This page is a live and evolving document that aims to bring together rewilding resources. As I come across material, I’ll add it here. And the more I can count on readers to share what they come across, the better this listing will become. In advance, thanks for getting in touch whenever you have something that should sit somewhere on this page.
The principles of rewilding (Rewilding Europe)
Guiding principles for rewilding (2021, Society for Conservation Biology)
European Wildlife Comeback Fund (Rewilding Europe - funding for projects)
Rewilding Europe Capital (Rewilding Europe - funding for businesses)
Publications (general)
Wildlife Comeback in Europe (2022, Rewilding Europe)
Advancing Rewilding in Europe (2021, Rewilding Europe)
Global Charter for Rewilding the Earth (2020, 11th World Wilderness Congress)
Europe needs large-scale restoration for nature and climate (2020, Rewilding Europe)
Boosting Ecological Restoration for a Wilder Europe (Rewilding Europe)
The Twin Crisis of Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss (Rewilding Europe)
Ecological restoration in the EU post-2020 biodiversity strategy: The opportunities of rewilding European landscapes for nature and climate (2020, Rewilding Europe)
Making Space for Rewilding: Creating an enabling policy environment (2016, Rewilding Europe)
A Vison for a Wilder Europe (2015, Rewilding Europe)
Wildlife Comeback in Europe (2013, Rewilding Europe)
Making Europe a Wilder Place (2013, Rewilding Europe)
Publications (species)
Rewilding Horses in Europe: background and guidelines (2023, Rewilding Europe)
The Aurochs - Born to Be Wild: the comeback of a European icon (2020, Rewilding Europe)
Circle of Life: a new way to support Europe’s scavengers (2017, Rewilding Europe)
Aurochs Genetics: a cornerstone of European biodiversity (2015, Rewilding Europe)
Bison Rewilding Plan 2014-2024 (2014 Rewilding Europe)
Publications (nature and climate)
Trophic rewilding can expand natural climate solutions (2023, Nature)
Rewilding: a serious candidate for stabilizing the global climate (2023, Global Rewilding Alliance)
Animating the Carbon Cycle (2022, Global Rewilding Alliance)
Publications (other)
Development & Operation of Wildlife Hides - code of conduct (2024, Rewilding Europe)
Impacts of large herbivores on terrestrial ecosystems (2023, Science Direct)
Megaherbivores provide biotic resistance against alien plant dominance (2023, Nature)
Substantial light woodland and open vegetation characterized the temperate forest biome before Homo sapiens (2023, Science)
The role of large wild animals in climate change mitigation and adaptation (2022, Current Biology)
Natural Grazing: Practice in the rewilding of cattle and horses (2021, Rewilding Europe)
Grazelife Report 2021 (2021, Rewilding Europe)
Herbiforests: how living forests can mitigate our climate and biodiversity crises (2020, Rewilding Europe)
Science for a wilder Anthropocene: Synthesis and future directions for trophic rewilding research (2015, PNAS)
Wildlife watching hides: a practical guide 2.0 (2014, Rewilding Europe)
Individual rewilding engagements
You can’t do better than to visit Chris d’Agorne’s How to Rewild. Chris knows a great deal and his bought and rewilded his own land. From insights into buying land, to rewilding a field, a farm, a town or your garden, Chris offers a series of excellent guides. Read them, then get in touch with Chris for a consultation - it’ll be worth it, guaranteed.
Aside from rewilding land, you can also just take yourself deeper into nature. Rewilding Europe offers eco tourism journeys that take you into their flagship landscapes - they will teach, inspire and amaze you.
If you have a patch of land, even a tiny garden, rewild it. There are countless books and articles on how to go about it, but essentially it means that you stop being neat and tidy. Your garden won’t be a mess, it’ll be wilder, and thus a haven for flora and fauna you’ll soon cherish. Here’s Earth.Org with reasons why should rewild your garden.